Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we (the Windows Management User Group Netherlands) were forced to move our activities to virtual events, which we call WMUG_NL Tuesdays Webinars.

For next week Tuesday, September 29th we are proud to announce that Tim Hermie, senior Modern Workplace architect at Synergics and Enterprise Mobility MVP & Jasper Bernaers, Modern Workplace lead at Synergics will host a session titled: “MDATP & Chocolatey! We Belgians love our Chocolate(y)’s”
Session abstract:
Avoid exploits in Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection by setting up an auto-updating framework for your standard apps with Chocolatey & Intune. This will keep your software vulnerabilities low. Session full of tips & tricks
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at our Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.