On Friday, the 19th of March, I will speak at the 2103 virtual meetup of the Workplace Ninja User Group Switzerland. During this event which lasts a whole day I’m going to present two sessions. One, together with Erik Loef will be about: “What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about?” and the other one will be about: “Designing and building your Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environment for Operations”.

The meetup will start at 08:00 CEST (Zurich time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone and it will end at around 18:00. The virtual meetup is hosted via Microsoft Teams and you can join by signing up at the Workplace Ninja User Group Switzerland Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.
The Workplace Ninja User Group Switzerland 2103 meetup is organized by Mirko Colemberg and Alain Schneiter. This day full of sessions related to device management and security has an impressive lineup with Microsoft MVPs, Microsoft Employees and community experts sharing knowledge. Please check the following link for more information about all the other great sessions during the day: WPNinja UG CH 2103
Session 1: What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about?
Time: 9:15 – 10:00 AM
Speaker(s): Erik Loef and Kenneth van Surksum
Abstract: Microsoft recently announced that they will postpone their plans of blocking legacy authentication for Exchange Online planned for H2 2021. One issue less to worry about you might think and nothing to see here anymore, so please move on.
On the contrary, we think that you must continue your plans to phase out legacy authentication and move towards modern authentication if you already started this journey, and start if you haven’t started yet. If you want to know why, then please join our session.
In this session Erik Loef and Kenneth van Surksum will explain what Legacy – and Modern authentication is and why legacy authentication is bad and should therefore be phased out. They will also explain how you can detect whether Legacy authentication is still in use within your environment, and what you can do to start phasing out legacy authentication and transition to Modern authentication instead. Erik and Kenneth will explain and prove that Modern Authentication alone isn’t enough though.
They will also share a possible project approach, and lessons learned – so that you don’t have to make the mistakes that we made during our enrollments.
At the end of the session, we want attendees to be aware of this upcoming change and give them the necessary information in order to start phasing out legacy authentication and optimize their security posture within their own environment.
Session 2: Designing and building your Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environment for Operations
Time: 11:15 – 12:00 AM
Speaker(s): Kenneth van Surksum
Abstract: In my work as a modern workplace consultant, I see a lot of Microsoft Endpoint Manager/Intune environments. Many of these environments have been build based on trial and therefore it lacks structure and overview. Most of the environments have been built from scratch, adding and removing functionality until a point was reached where the solution was taken into production.
A solution that works, doesn’t necessarily have to be a solution which is consistent and therefore easily manageable.
This session will help you to create a consistent MEM environment, by introducing consistency. You can only build such an environment if you know the pros and cons of the solution and the product. Kenneth will share his experiences with the audience using both slides and demos
I really hope to (virtually) meet you there.