On Saturday March 28th, 2020 the Windows Management User Group Netherlands (WMUG_NL) will organize a full Saturday with Workshops. Together with Peter Daalmans I will host a workshop on the topic of Conditional Access, the workshop partly be based on the blog articles I wrote about the subject earlier this year. Also Adnan Hendricks will host a session on Threat Hunting, which will be very interesting as well.
Also this year Fast Lane, a learning solutions provider located in Utrecht is hosting the location and providing us with food and drinks. See: Windows Management User Group Netherlands – WMUG Saturday 2020 on Meetup if you want to join us. Attending is free, the only thing you need to do is RSVP on the Meetup page, so that we know you are coming.

This will be our third year in a row that we organize a #WMUG_NL Saturday, like last year we will have multiple interesting workshops.
The advantage of the workshops are that they have a longer duration and that there is much interaction with the presenter of the workshop as well. It will be mainly building hands-on experience with interesting products and techniques.
Program of the Meetup:
• 09:00 – 10:00 Welcome at Fast Lane in Utrecht
• 10:00 – 13:00 Session 1: Setup Conditional Access within your organization by Peter Daalmans and Kenneth van Surksum
• 13:00 – 13:30 Food, provided by Fast Lane
• 13:30 – 16:30 Session 2: Threat hunting workshop by Adnan Hendricks
• 16:30 – 17:30 Drinks provided by Fastlane and the possibility to network with peers
During this day we will host 2 workshops:
Workshop 1: Setup Conditional Access within your organization by Peter Daalmans and Kenneth van Surksum
During this workshop you will design and setup conditional access policies within your own demo tenant. Peter and Kenneth will show you where to start, how to design and implement the policies both in green field scenario’s but also how to start when you already have an environment up and running. Once implemented Peter and Kenneth will show you how to manage your conditional access policies and make sure that you have full control of the access scenario’s to your corporate data.
- Understand what conditional access is
- Design a conditional access environment
- Implement a conditional access environment
- How to integrate with MCAS
- Report and troubleshoot conditional access policies
Workshop 2: Threat hunting workshop by Adnan Hendricks
Businesses today have far more to worry about than fraud and theft. It’s also not just worrying about loss of data. Nowadays its reputation damage along with regulatory and legal fines that organizations have to deal with. Join this hands-on workshop to increase your security skill set in securing your infrastructure and developing good threat hunting abilities.
- Learn how to increase your security posture.
- Perform threat-hunting tests regularly.
- How to setup an incident recovery chain and respond to attacks.
Maybe someday these can be streamed so we poor unfortunate U.S. admins can attend? No WMUG around these parts!