Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we (the Windows Management User Group Netherlands) were forced to move our activities to virtual events, which we call WMUG_NL Tuesdays Webinars.

For next week, May 19th we are proud to announce that Wim Matthyssen, Cloud Architect and MC2MC user group board member will speak about “Azure Bastion: One does not simply walk into my VNet!”
Session abstract: Security is one of the most important things that a Cloud admin (IT Administrator) should always keep in mind, especially when managing business critical workloads in Azure. With Azure Bastion you remain able to connect to your IaaS VMs in a secure an easy way. In this session you will not only discover how Bastion natively integrates with the Azure Portal but also how you can harden it with JIT and NSG’s to enhance your overall VM access security. So join me in this session to learn some best practices, tips and things you should keep in mind when working with this “jump-box-as-a-service”.
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at our Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.
Past Webinars
The last couple of week we already held three webinars, the first one, on Tuesday April 21 was a session about how to maximize Windows 10 and ConfigMgr network performance presented by Johan Arwidmark. If you missed this webinar, no problem since we have a recording available on our YouTube channel for your viewing pleasure. You can find the recording here: WMUG NL Tuesdays webinar featuring Johan Arwidmark.
On May 5th 2020 we had another webinar on the topic “Microsoft 365 Security in the real world” presented by Michael van Horenbeeck, for this webinar we now also have the recording available on our YouTube channel, and you can find that recording here: “WMUG NL Tuesdays webinar featuring Michael van Horenbeeck“
Yesterday, (May 12th) we had another great speaker lined up. This time Mirko Colemberg talked about “Desktop Analytics: The new Swiss Army knife for your Windows as a service solution”. The recording for this meeting is available here: “WMUG NL Tuesday webinar featuring Mirko Colemberg“. You can find the slides of Mirko’s presentation here.