For Tuesday, November 10 we are proud to announce that Ronni Pedersen, Cloud Architect at APENTO will host a session about: “How to get success with Windows Autopilot when everyone is working from home”
Session abstract:
Want to learn how you can get success with Windows Autopilot when everyone is working from home? Join Ronni Pedersen next week, during his session at WMUGNL about Windows Autopilot. In this session Ronni will share what he has learned about managing users when they work from home, and how Windows Autopilot and the Cloud Managed PC can help your user stay productive and secure.
The webinar will start at 16:00 CEST (Amsterdam time zone), please click here to find out how late the webinar will start in your time zone. You can join the webinar by signing up at our Meetup page, where after registration you will find the link for the webinar.
The last session, given by Erik Loef and myself now also has been published, details below:
On Tuesday, October 27th, Erik Loef, CTO and Microsoft MVP at Proxsys, and Kenneth van Surksum, Modern Workplace consultant at Insight24 hosted a session about: “What is this Modern Authentication everyone is talking about, and why you should phase out Legacy authentication?”. The recording for this meeting is available here: “WMUG NL Tuesdays Featuring Erik Loef and Kenneth van Surksum“. You can find the slides of Erik and Kenneth’s presentation here.